Identifying Records


Identifying Missing Medical Records

Be better prepared and get better results for your clients by having all of the medical records in your possession.

Identifying Records

Medical Legal Spider offers a valuable service by helping to identify relevant providers and ensuring their medical records are obtained. It's like a spider web, catching the evidence you need for your case. Unfortunately, perfecting your file is even more difficult today with all of the confusing "note bloat" generated from disparate Electronic Health Records.

Experienced medical document reviewers can identify all medical providers in a file quickly and accurately, eliminating tedious and time-consuming tasks. MLS' reviewers excel at identifying each medical provider mentioned anywhere in the file, including non-authoring physicians. This ensures that a validated list of corresponding notes and records is provided for reconciliation and supplemental record retrieval requests.

Here are three scenario's where Medical Legal Spider identifies who is missing what. What if you could quickly and reliably:

Run a detailed screen to Identify Missing & Incomplete Records or mentions of Non-Authoring Physicians. Then you decide what's important and we'll add supplemental records anytime.

Match Medical Records and applicable Provider Bills to find gaps in documentation. A simple, yet powerful comparison presented all in one place.

Compare & Validate Non-Party Medical Records to files in your possession. MLS will identify who is missing what, then update your master file with what we find.

Previously unknown supplemental records are then time and cost effectively incorporated into the master Medical Index and Medical Summary.